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Supporting Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Employees

in a workplace with COVID-19 protocols

Learning Solution: 



Articulate Storyline 360, Canva


ADDIE, storyboarding, action mapping, graphic design, eLearning development, instructional design

The Challenge

A company survey was used to determine how managers currently fulfill accommodation requests. From the results, it was established that requests by deaf and hard-of-hearing employees are consistently unfulfilled.

Using Cathy Morre's training method, I

determined the causes of the problems to be knowledge and skills-based. Managers were motivated to solve the program but lacked sufficient resources and practice.

Additionally, current training was lacking on when to consult HR about reasonable accommodations. Managers were making decisions that disadvantaged interview candidates and isolated employees. By combining job aids and eLearning the gap in knowledge and skills can be filled.

The Solution

This training is a self-guided elearn designed to

  • give managers the opportunity to make decisions and see the results of their choices

  • be on-demand, allowing managers to complete it when they have time

  • include low-stakes practice

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What it Looks Like

About the Project

This concept project is an elearning intended for mid-level managers. This training provides job aids and skills practice for managers to successfully fulfill accommodations requests by deaf and hard-of-hearing employees and interview candidates. This training is specifically designed in response to COVID-19. With new long-term protocols in place, the company needs to provide more detailed guidance on how to respond to accommodation requests effectively. 

The current training on fulfilling accommodation requests is outdated. It does not have references to work from home, virtual conference calls, or COVID-19. The content was delivered on an internal website which was difficult to find and provided no opportunities to practice. 

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